

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.

Pee on a stick!

Pee on a stick!

I never knew peeing on a stick was a hard task to do. Whether it be a pregnancy test or an ovulation stick, it’s very hard. The physical tasks is not the hard part, it’s the results that can either lead to happiness or heart break. That is why people fear the unknown. Why put yourself through so much pain by doing a simple task? People make decisions in life based on what they want or believe in. I do want to start a family with my husband, so that is why I need to get over my anxiety and just pee on the darn thing! Ovulation sticks are the same way. They blink and blink and blink, but somehow I’m thinking, “where is my solid?” Does that mean I didn’t ovulate and I completely wasted a month! Pregnancy test and ovulation sticks are not cheap. They want you to pee on an ovulation stick twice a day, just incase you miss your peak. A peak can last only about 8 hours, so if you take your test with your first pee of the day like me, you may miss your peak. No peak = HEART BREAK, No positive pregnancy test = HEART BREAK.

My Other Half

My Other Half

Clomid-Round 2

Clomid-Round 2