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25 Fun Facts & Not So Fun

25 Fun Facts & Not So Fun

After creating My Wishing Peanut website and @mywishingpeanut IG, I have been getting DMs daily. Many of you requested to know more about me. I think when we follow people that inspire us, it would be interesting to learn something about them that we wouldn’t be able to know through a photo. I would like to know more of you too! I’ll go first and then you can comment your fun quirky facts!

Fun Fact # 1

Peanut is a food, but it's also a word that can describe something small and cute. My dog’s name is Peanut and she was the one who inspired my IG name.

Fun Fact #2

I have a big family! My mom has 14 siblings, which gave me 24 first cousins, 37 total including the in-laws, and 24 nieces and nephews. Christmas is an expensive time of year.

Fun Fact #3

I am a foodie. I love food. I talk about it all the time. Food is my favorite topic of conversation. I’ve been an Elite yelper for 5 years and earned my yellow badge.

Fun Fact #4

I know I just said I love food, but if I had to pick a day of eating or a day of swimming, I would be swimming. I love to swim. I love being in water. The water is my resting place.

Fun Fact #5

This may freak some people out but I honestly feel like I have a 6th sense. For example, I was working at a hospital and I had the same office as our department manager. She was standing by her desk. For some reason I had this thought in my mind that she was going to trip or fall somehow. Well 30 seconds later, she sat down and her chair slipped out from under her and fell on her butt. Another reason why I feel like I have a 6th sense is because I feel like I know what people are thinking. I would feel what they are thinking about and they would start talking about it OR if I bring it up, they would say “I was just going to say that!” Weird, but it only comes to me when I’m not trying to be telepathic.

Fun Fact # 6

Ghost do exist. I saw with my own eyes a man in a suit staring at me from inside a hotel mirror. When I saw him, I woke up my mom who was sleeping next to me. When she looked, she saw him too. The same night, my dad had to bring my brother to the hospital because he had a really high fever and he was puking. Something told me that hotel was haunted.

Fun Fact #7

School was never my thing. I dropped out after I got my associate degree in college. I do not have my bachelors or masters degree. My mind travels 100 miles a minute and I couldn’t follow my instructors because they did things so slow. I’m confident to say I am smart. Just because a person doesn't have their degrees doesn't mean they can't do the job right. All of my jobs that I had except for one, I was promoted within months because numbers is my jam. I do have a lot of grammatical errors though. When I think of something I want to write, for some reason I always leave a word out. Like my thought is running so fast in my brain that my fingers can not keep up on the key board.

Fun Fact #8

I live in San Francisco, but Pennsylvania will always have a special place in my heart. I grew up there. I spent 8 years of my childhood living there. The people there are so friendly. Also, you get to experience all 4 seasons. I’m also happy to say that 2 of my friends that I made in kindergarten still remembers me. We reconnected through Facebook.

Fun Fact #9

I am very short. Shorter than most. I’m 4’10. When I’m buying chicken at the butcher department at my local grocery store, I feel like I’m standing there forever because the butchers can not see me from behind the counter. I always have to ring the butcher buzzer and they always say the same darn thing, “Ah! Sorry, I didn’t see you standing there!” It happened regularly that the butcher and I became hi and bye buddies. We would have short conversations here and there while I’m doing my shopping. Also, a handful of people have told me that at my height I can get a disabled placker from the DMV. #shortpeopleproblems

Fun Fact #10

I think dimples are cute. I have them, BUT I don’t have the cute kind. I have dimples closer to my eyes than my smile. I remember researching how to fill them in. My husband loves them. I hate them.

Fun Fact #11

My favorite food changes from Tacos, Pizza, or Noodles. I love food period!

Fun Fact #12

I LOVE to travel. Within 8 years, I’ve traveled to 50+ places. Dubai, Thailand, France, and Italy, just to name a few!

Fun Fact #13

I don't believe in bad luck or I’m not superstitious. I got married on the 13th. The church’s address that we married is 666 Filbert St.

Fun Fact #14

My dog is IG famous and is also known in San Francisco. She has more than 15K followers on IG. Her IG name is @Peanut.the.poodlette. My husband and I adore her.

Fun Fact #15

I would cut my hair every two years and donate it to an organization called, “Wigs for Kids.” They make wigs for little kids while they battle cancer. I’ve been doing this for 6 years now.

Fun Fact #16

Live life with NO regrets. I have 8 tattoos and I do regret 4 of them! The famous saying doesn’t apply to me.

Fun Fact #17

I like to buy cute cooking accessories to make my kitchen look like something I would see on the Food Network station, but I don't know how to use them. I can't cook. I don’t have enough patience to cook. Everything I made resulted in ordering takeout.

Fun Fact # 18

My dream was once to become an Elite athlete. I was a long distance runner. My fastest mile was 5 mins and 43 seconds. I trained for the 2016 Olympics from 2010 to 2016. I didn’t make it. I was good, there was better.

Fun Fact #19

My mom is my best friend. I call her everyday.

Fun Fact #20

I read books for fun. My husband bought me a kindle, but there’s something nostalgia about holding a paperback book, sitting in a quiet area in your home and just getting lost in the pages.

Fun Fact #21

I was born with a hole in my heart. I remember multiple trips to a hospital in Philadelphia when I was little. Call me crazy, but I was probably about 2 or 3 back then and I remembered everything.

Fun Fact #22

This is a gross one. I had an x-ray at my dentist and it showed I had a tooth growing in the roof of my mouth. It was in the center, not anywhere near my other teeth. I remember I had to see an oral surgeon to remove it.

Fun Fact # 23

My thumb almost fell off. I was trying to open a can of refried beans and the sharp metal top of the can sliced my thumb open. It bled forever. I decided to drive myself to the hospital which the surgeon had to stitch it closed. I remember looking at my stitches a couple days later and had a really vain idea. The stitches made my thumb look like there was a ton of hair growing out of it so I decided to perform surgery on myself to take off the stitches.

Fun Fact #24

I remember EVERYTHING! People have also told me I have a good memory. I can describe in detail of any situation that has happened. Who was there, the location, what was said. Its weird, but when I first realized I had this gift, I was in Kindergarten and to this day I still remember my kindergarten roll call.

Deanna, Jennifer, Jason, Bobby, Billy, Angie, Jeff, Jackie, Randall, Kathy, Krista, Tammy, Terry, Chris, Lisa, Amber, Donald, Christina, Damien, Scott, Chad, Kelly, Darlene, Michael, Dusty.

Fun Fact # 25

I’m a homebody. During date night, I rather be at home ordering take out and watching TV with my husband. We use to go to all these fancy restaurants as our date night, but I think it’s because the place we lived in together for the first time didn’t feel like home to me. We were in a 200 square foot in-law and the place was just so small for the both of us. Also, my husband lived there before I came along and I didn’t feel like it was officially my space. When we moved into our first apartment together, I felt like home. I felt like I can do anything in my home and I was so comfortable just being there.

That was actually tough! It took me two days to think about 25 fun and not so fun facts. Hope you guys enjoy learning about me! Remember l want to learn about you too! Leave a comment of your fun or not so fun facts about you!

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