

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.



I had a roller coaster of emotions yesterday. It happened to be my 5 year wedding anniversary, but I also had a post op visit from when I had my egg retrieval.

The morning of was pretty productive. Peanut and I went for a walk and surprised my husband with his favorites from Starbucks. Expresso Frap with non-fat milk and no whip, lemon pound cake, and a ham and cheese croissant! I didn’t get anything because knowing they were going to weigh me at the doctor’s office to see if they can schedule my egg transfer or if it was going to get postponed, but I’ll get to that in a little bit.

We had our morning together. My husband told me he was going to take me somewhere better than what we had originally planned made me feel extremely excited to start my day.

When we arrived to my doctors appointment , it didn’t take long for them to call my name. The first thing they did was weigh me, not surprised. I lost a total of 8 pounds since my last appointment! Yay! My blood pressure was good! Felt safe! When I saw my doctor, she was super excited to see us both! She told us that all of our eggs that went in for biopsy came back healthy, which she said was very rare. Most cases half of eggs would have something wrong with them. Not in our case! ☺️

My doctor asked me if we should schedule the transfer! My dumbass brought up the A1c and she decided to postpone it! Ugh! Why??? My husband asked all sorts of questions. He asked what would happen if we did the transfer when my A1c is at 7? She told us that the blood sugar can get transferred to the baby which can cause defects. My husband agreed to postpone it. If I lost more weight to bring down my A1c then my transfer will be scheduled for late November. I do agree that this would be best, but if course I’m a bit disappointed.

My doctor also looked at my weight results and said she was extremely proud of me that I was able to keep up with my weight loss. Now I just have to figure out how I’m going to lose more weight when all of my life that’s what I struggled with the most.

I was cleared to go to the gym! Yay! I can pretend that I’m training for the Olympics again! Running is my all time favorite sport! Today, I’m celebrating my mom and brother birthday at the Cheesecake Factory for lunch so tomorrow will be my first day back at the gym!

My anniversary date was enjoyable. Let’s see… It was about 2pm when my appointment was over. Too early for dinner. My husband took me to Valley Fair shopping center in San Jose to find things to buy. I didn’t go into any stores that I usually shop at because I want to lose this weight first before I start buying clothes again. We did walk into 3 different children’s clothing stores. Jack and Janie was my favorite. Since we picked the gender of our egg that will be transferred, it was fun looking at the clothes for our future him or her! It’s a surprise! So don’t ask me! Chris was already looking at baby bags at Gucci. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m happy he’s excited as I am!

Then about 3 hours of shopping, we headed over to Santana Row to have dinner. He took me to Maggiano’s, an Italian restaurant that I’ve always wanted to try. I have to say I was very good! I didn’t get the most healthiest dish, but the quantity I ate was quite surprising.

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My husband even commented that it looks like I didn’t touch my food. Usually I can see the bottom of the bowl or I would start picking at his food since I’ve finished mine. 🤦🏻‍♀️

So people have asked me how Chris and I met. Here’s our love story. Chris and I attended the same Church. We would see each other every Sunday and we had catechism class growing up. We went to different schools so we hardly knew each other, but watched each other grow up from kids to adults. I guess you can say I always had a crush on him. Never acted on it because of how popular he was. One day after getting out of a long relationship, I went out for drinks. I guess you can say I had a little too much to drink because I messaged Chris on Facebook. I said, “I think we should go on a date.” Then left my phone number. He messaged back saying, “I thought you were getting married.” I told him that ended and the next morning he texted me “Hi! =)” This was before we had emojis. We realized we both had similar things in common like our love for travel. We knew we had so much fun together so we knew we were meant to be!


We love doing things together! We even started a baby brand for fun, but it turned into something real. I never thought that we would be contacting suppliers, picking out our own designs, and even paying for city and legal fees when starting a business. We had hired Peanut as our CEO so she has to approve everything we do! ☺️ She told us to purchase 1000 units when we first started so we did and now we are almost sold out and our second shipment will be shipped out shortly to the Amazon warehouse!

For those of you who are interested, I will link our products below. We are also thinking about our next product and new designs! Follow us on IG. The babies on there are extremely cute! Tag us on your photos with our product to be featured! @SmilingPea.

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Be Kind

Be Kind

The Results Are In..

The Results Are In..