

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.

Egg Transfer Was Postponed

Egg Transfer Was Postponed

A1c. Many of you are probably thinking, what in the world is an A1c. At first when the doctors told me I had a high A1c, I thought it was a good thing. I’ve been getting positive results about everything. My egg count, the quality of my eggs, how many follicles I had, my biopsy results, our genetic testing. So of course I assumed my A1c of 7 was great!

Then my IVF doctor was telling me that they wouldn’t do my egg transfer until I had an A1c below 6.5. I was confused. So I asked what it meant having an A1c of 7. She told me I had diabetes. I was in shocked. I never thought in a million years I would have diabetes. I was a long distance runner for 6 years. I was in the best shape of my life. I really thought my lab results got mixed up with someone else’s, but then again I was thinking about all the shit I’ve been eating the past couple months. I thought about the first day my husband started bringing me to work and picking me up 5 days a week. Every day after work my husband and I would stop at Starbucks so we can have something to sip on for our long ride home. Knowing we were going to sit in traffic for a good hour, we wanted something good. The baristas started to talk to us because we were always there. They would sometimes say, “What? No lemon cake today?” No, no not today. Just our venti Frappuccinos with non fat milk and no whip cause you know, we’re trying to watch our figure. Doh! Or let’s make a pit stop to Subway and have dinner before we go home. Then after our dinner at Subway, my ass starts walking to the Baskin Robbins next door to get my scoop of ice cream. So yup! It makes sense. I had diabetes.

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I was on a medication called metformin and I had to take 500mg 3 times a day. They also give that medication to the people who want to lose weight. I can see how that works because that medication makes your stomach feel so uncomfortable that you are running in and out of the bathroom a couple times a day. My husband calls it my diarrhea medicine, which he reminds me to take daily. Sorry, maybe a little TMI.

I asked my doctor what I need to do to lower my A1c. She told me to lose weight. FUCK!!!! I’ve been trying to lose weight my whole fucken life! I even started to write a book called, “I found my love for running through my battle with obesity.” Of course, that came to an end when my weight was creeping up on me. My doctor told me I had to put my egg transfer on hold for 3 months because the A1c takes an average of 3 months. I was devastated. I asked her what would happen after 3 months and my A1c was not under 6.5. She told me she wouldn’t feel right doing the transfer. My husband even asked what would happen if they did the egg transfer anyway. If we signed a waiver. She told us that there could be a high chance of a miscarriage or there could be birth defects with our baby. We didn’t want to risk it. We were extremely disappointed, but knew it was for the best.

The 3 months was so hard. It was hard that I slipped a few times by giving into my cravings a bit. Each time I failed, I would try and remember the real reason why I need to do this. I just turned 37 and being diagnosed with diabetes that young was just awful and yet embarrassing.

The 3 months was finally up and my doctor sends me this email saying that she put an order to retake my A1c. I was nervous. My anxiety went through the roof. I was already thinking of excuses to tell my doctor. I made the effort to walk to the lab to take my A1c. I was already thinking that I should call it quits because it wasn’t going to change. I was going to go to Starbucks after to get my Frappuccino and drink in misery. However, I did not go to Starbucks. I did not go to Starbucks because my stomach started to hurt, so instead I had to run home clinching my asshole.

So after I did my business, I decided to take Peanut for a walk. We walked to a lake close by. I just sat there and thought how I just failed. Now I have to wait another 3 months to retake my A1c while my 3 boys and 1 girl were sitting in the freezer waiting for me. Why don’t I have any self control? I was really feeling so down that when we got home I went straight to sleep. Straight up depressed mode.

I woke up to my phone beeping. It was my lab results. I was scared to open it, but I had to face the truth. When I opened it there was a message from my doctor saying how proud she was in me for sticking to my routine. My A1c was at a 6.1! I went from being a diabetic to being prediabetic in just 3 months! I’m still going to try to live that healthy life as best I could so I can be out of that prediabetic stage.

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I already have my financial appointment set up and my frozen embryo transfer cycle review set up. Now I’m just waiting for my December menses to start the transfer process.

Thank you everyone who has given me support over the past year. I could have not done this without you. This journey would have been a rough one, but knowing people were here encouraging me to stay positive and hopeful, you all mean a lot.

Thank you everyone who also supported our baby brand, SmilingPea. If you are expecting or know someone who is, please think of us. A percentage will go to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. Click the link below today.

Mini Vegas Vacay

Mini Vegas Vacay

