

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.

The Results Are In..

The Results Are In..

FLASH BACK FRIDAY… This was our first picture together when we first started dating 9 years ago. We didn’t know what the future would hold for both of us during this time, but I’m glad we stuck by each other through it all.

During this time 9 years ago, I didn’t even think about having kids. My “boyfriend” at the time and myself always talked about traveling. I even think we planned a mini getaway to Los Angeles the second month we’ve been together to celebrate us being “Official.” Things moved fast for us. I didn’t even have to wait long to get engaged. My “boyfriend” asked me to marry him a year and seven months after we became official. We just knew we were meant to be. After we got married, we decided to put starting a family on hold because we wanted to travel. My husband took me to Thailand, Rome, Italy, Paris, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi. After our Dubai trip, we then noticed that we haven’t gotten pregnant again. We were thinking we may be that 1 of 4 couple to have infertility issues. We put our travels on hold to focus on starting a family.

We hit many road blocks trying to get pregnant. My OBGYN at the time had said that it seems like she tried everything in her power to get me pregnant naturally and IVF might be the only option. She gave me her recommendations on which fertility clinic to go to, but we decided to go our own route by going to the best. We still continued to try naturally for a couple more months because IVF is so expensive. We researched the process and the costs and many websites gave us the 10k-13k range, but after our first IVF consult we realize that price was only for the procedure. The cost of medication, biopsies, genetic testing was a separate cost. If you decide to do all the testing that are optional, you are looking at 20k-30k for everything.

After a couple rounds of other failed fertility procedures, I started to feel like giving up and the mom thing may not be in my cards. Not sure if my husband noticed how I was feeling, but he finally pulled the trigger and told me to schedule an appointment to start the IVF process. I couldn’t be more ecstatic!

After a long IVF journey, I am half way there! Right now during this stage, our fertilized eggs went through some testing to see if there are any signs of any chromosome issues. Let me hit rewind to my egg retrieval day. So that day, my doctor was able to retrieve 18 mature eggs. The embryologist had injected my husbands sperm sample into my eggs and then they had to wait a few days and watch them grow. By day 5 or 6, they can see how many eggs actually survived. We only had 4 out of the 18 that survived which then they took the biopsy on the inner mass cells during the blastocyst stage to have them tested safely without hurting the embryo. The results are in..

Before I tell you my results I wanted to tell you a little about my IVF coordinator Nurse Vera. She was the one who gave me the good news. She has made things so much easier for my husband and I. She is always so positive and always had a smile on her face. She gave us a lot of support and positive vibes. This was definitely a stress free journey because of her and all the doctors there. They are truly the best!

So she gave us our test results on our eggs and the test shows… DRUM ROLL PLEASE… All 4 of them came back normal! She even asked if I was interested in knowing the sex of the eggs! ANOTHER DRUM ROLL PLEASE…. We have 3 boys and 1 girl! When I heard that I instantly felt like I already had 3 sons and a daughter. I got emotional. My husband and I are not going to chose the sex of the baby, but we are going to chose by what ever egg is the highest grade meaning the healthiest.

During this journey I have never been so happy. I know and understand that this isn’t guaranteed, but I’m staying positive. The first leg of my journey I was miserable. I was in pain all the time and everything felt so tight around the waist because my ovaries were growing. Now that is over my husband and I can focus on more positive things.

So the next step is our transfer day. However, I do not have a set date because of how fat I am. UGH! I gotta lose weight first until she can give me a transfer day. I’m losing weight, but slowly. Only time will tell on when I will be able to get my transfer.

If this works for us I can’t wait until I get to use our baby products that we made. We made our burp cloths with the highest quality organic cotton. If you know anyone who is expecting or you yourself are, please think of us by clicking the link below!



Losing Weight - Struggle

Losing Weight - Struggle