

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.

The Perfect Gift

The Perfect Gift

I received the perfect gift on Christmas. I’m not going to say it’s the perfect gift ever, but it’s the perfect gift for me.

Christmas morning when I woke up, I did my usual routine when I wake up. I brushed my teeth and then used the bathroom. After going number one, I noticed I got my period!

You guys are probably wondering if I’m joking or why my period is the best gift ever. You see, to start the second part of my IVF, I had to wait for my period. My periods are very irregular so I never know when I’m going to get it. I was suppose to get it by December 15th, but it never came. I waited.. I waited.. I waited..

It finally came Christmas Day! I got in contact with my IVF nurses and they scheduled me an ultrasound the following day. The best thing about getting it Christmas Day, my husband had Christmas day and the day after off so he was able to come with my to my ultrasound.

During my ultrasound, my doctor said she was extremely proud of me bringing my A1c down within 3 months. She also looked at the rest of my results and she has never seen such amazing results. My lining of my uterus was 5, which is where it’s supposed to be during the 2nd day of cycle so she gave me clearance to start my medication!

Since we were already in the San Jose area, my husband wanted to take me out on a date. After my appointment, we went to Valley Fair mall to have lunch at the Cheesecake Factory which happens to be my favorite place. Then we walked around the mall to window shop. Instead of looking in stores like Zara or H&M, we went to Jack & Janie and the Children’s place. The day couldn’t be more perfect.

Right now I’ve started my Estrace medication. This medication thickens my uterine lining and stops ovulation. I’ve taken 3 pills a total of 6mg for 2 days and this will continue until my 2nd ultrasound on January 9th. Then this is where my husband comes in. He then has to inject my butt muscle with progesterone, which creates a home for the embryo. I believe my Estrace medication will drop down to 1 pill daily until my doctor tells me I don’t have to take it anymore.

Egg Transfer Meds.jpg

If this goes according to plan my scheduled egg transfer is on January 14th. Crossing fingers and praying to God this works.

I’ve honestly never seen my husband so excited. We’ve got a name picked out, we go in stores and look at all the baby clothes. If we see something cute enough, we buy it. We even did research on strollers. We were set on an uppababy, but we saw a bugaboo one that I just had to have. Both great brands.

I know some may think we are ahead of the game and we shouldn’t be thinking that way, but I believe the universe is listening. I believe in the law of attraction. If you think about it so much and put it out in the universe, it will happen. We’ve been so quiet about our previous fertility treatments in the past and guess what? Shit didn’t happen. If this is meant for us, if God wanted us to be parents - it will happen.

Can’t wait to use our baby burp cloths! You can find them on Amazon!

Vision Board

Vision Board

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays