

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.

Vision Board

Vision Board

I haven’t started my vision board yet since I need to buy the supplies, however I’ve been thinking about what I wanted for the new year. I’ve done vision boards in the past and I remember the things I’ve put on my vision board was marked off during the year. In 2010, I had put things that I thought was unrealistic. I’m 4’10 and weighed close to 175. I was a size 16 in jeans. I had put a thin lady that I cut out of a magazine on my vision board. I wrote next to it that I wanted to be a size 0. If you think about how that sounds, it may seem unrealistic to most. I had on my vision board that I wanted to be happier. My weight, my job, and my relationship at the time made me unhappy. Last main thing I put on my vision board, I wanted to travel so Cinderella’s castle was on my vision board because I wanted to go to Disneyland. I put that vision board in my room where I would see it everyday.

After making that vision board and visioning my life as if the things on there was really the life I was living, within 6 months I lost weight with diet and exercise. From being a size 16, I made it to a size 0! I was 175 and I dropped down to 109. I also found a hidden talent that I never thought in a million years I had. I was a runner. A fucking good runner at that. When the world saw my vision of wanting to lose weight, it led me to that direction and the world was steering me to the gym because that’s where my ass needed to be at the time. My first mile I completed in 2010 took me 30 minutes. After running for about 4 months, I was running 6 minute miles which was the main reason for my weight lost. The world is a very powerful thing. When I put I wanted to be happier. It made me realized I needed to end my relationship I was in for 9 years so I can start focusing on myself. During the time I was concentrating on myself, I started hanging out with a guy I knew from church, which I ended up marrying four years later. We reconnected in June 2010. I was smitten. Our relationship moved a little fast, but I was ok with it since we knew each other since we were little. Our families were friends and we were even in the same CCD class (a class catholic children had to attend outside your regular school.) We made it official in July and to celebrate we went to Disneyland. So the three main things on my vision I checked off.

For the past week, I’ve thought about my resolutions for the new year. I wanted to make sure that this decade would be my best decade, but let’s start year by year. Since I have not started my vision board, I had jotted things down in my Happy Planner that I write in everyday. I realized in my previous vision boards there is no such thing as unrealistic.

  1. I’m going to have a baby 2020. I vision the doctor telling me that my IVF was a success. I vision a baby shower in June. I vision a safe and healthy delivery in October. 2020 will be the year where I can finally say we have started a family!

  2. SmilingPea will blow up on amazon. In 2019, we have marketed ourselves like crazy, but 2020 will be the year where we can finally say we made a profit. When we marketed ourselves to get our name out there, we had to give away a lot of product. We also teamed up with St. Jude, which we helps us give back. Every product that we sell, we give a portion of that to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

  3. Walking 10k steps daily. I thought about how this was going to happen since I’m at work about 10 hours a day. My plan to make this happen would be leaving work in the middle of the day and walk until I hit over 8k steps and finish it off when I walk Peanut after work. She can not walk 10k steps, that’s why we have a little stroller for her during the days my husband and I are going to do a ton of walking. This has not started yet, but it will start tomorrow (1/7/2020).

  4. 64oz of water. I started drinking 64oz of water daily since 1/1/2020 and I can’t even count how many times I had to run to the bathroom each day. I can say I do feel a difference. Since I’ve started this I found myself not snacking at work. I feel I can eat breakfast and dinner and just be satisfied. I’m so busy at work that I always end up skipping lunch.

  5. Visiting my parents more than just 1x a month. I didn’t want to visit them so often because when I do, they always surprise me by making a whole bunch of Filipino food to bring back home, which probably would cost them about $200. Since they are retired I always feel so bad when they spend so much money on me. So since they do not read my blogs, I can tell you that I have came up with a plan to tell them I’m coming over a couple hours before so they have no time to go grocery shopping. So my plans would be to visit them biweekly.

  6. Stay on budget. We buy so much groceries for the week and spend close to $150 on groceries, which most of the time just sits there because we end up getting food so we don’t have to cook. But this year we will be more conscious about what we are spending and plan our take aways ahead of time so we don’t have to buy so much groceries.

  7. Learning how to cook. I plan to make 1 meal from scratch each month and I will post it on this website. There are a couple things I need first. So if anyone has extra crockpot, food processor, mixer, and everything else, let me know! Lol!

  8. Learning to accept Oakland as my new place to live. My husband and I were forced to moved out of SF when they decided to raise our rent 5k per month for 550 square foot apartment, so we found Oakland would be the best place to live since we still worked in San Francisco. I’ve lived in Oakland for about 9 months and now I’m starting to give it a chance. It took a while for me to tell my workmates that I moved out of the city. They were wondering why I was declining HH events and why my husband started picking me up from work when I could have walked home. But every time I drove around here in Oakland, I’m starting to love it. It’s not as bad as people make it out to be.

For those who are interested to see a few photos from my past decade. Keep scrolling. For those who just want to buy one of our SmilingPea Burp Cloths, scroll all the way down!

2010 -

Our first picture together.

Our first picture together.

2011 -

First Trip to Oahu - 7/2011

First Trip to Oahu - 7/2011

First time parasailing together - Oahu 7/2011

First time parasailing together - Oahu 7/2011

My favorite Beach - Kailua Beach 7/2011

My favorite Beach - Kailua Beach 7/2011

First marathon Nike invited me to. 10-2011

First marathon Nike invited me to. 10-2011

2012 -

The Proposal - 2/2012

The Proposal - 2/2012

Maui - 7/2012

Maui - 7/2012

2013 -

Vegas - 2/2013

Vegas - 2/2013

Beat my PR - 5 Minute and 43 Second Mile - 6/2013

Beat my PR - 5 Minute and 43 Second Mile - 6/2013

Modesto Marathon - Boston Qualifier 3/2013

Modesto Marathon - Boston Qualifier 3/2013

Rock & Roll San Francisco Marathon 6/2013

Rock & Roll San Francisco Marathon 6/2013

2014 - Busy Year!

Bachelorette Party - 8/2014

Bachelorette Party - 8/2014

Bachelorette Party - 8/2014

Bachelorette Party - 8/2014

Bridal Shower 8/2014

Bridal Shower 8/2014

Wedding - 9/13/2014

Wedding - 9/13/2014

Thailand 11/2014

Thailand 11/2014

Chicago - 2/2014

Chicago - 2/2014

2015 -

Moved to the South Beach area in San Francisico and had this BEAUTIFUL view. 10/2015

Moved to the South Beach area in San Francisico and had this BEAUTIFUL view. 10/2015

Played Tourist - 3/2015

Played Tourist - 3/2015

Paris 9/2015

Paris 9/2015

Paris - Ferdi Restaurant 9/2015

Paris - Ferdi Restaurant 9/2015

Paris 9/2015

Paris 9/2015

Paris 9/2015

Paris 9/2015

Paris 9/2015

Paris 9/2015

Venice Italy - 9/2015

Venice Italy - 9/2015

Venice Italy 9/2015

Venice Italy 9/2015

Rome - Vatican City 9/2015

Rome - Vatican City 9/2015

2016 -

We got this little Cutie Pie - 12/2016

We got this little Cutie Pie - 12/2016


Portland Oregon - Nike Employee Store 9/2017

Portland Oregon - Nike Employee Store 9/2017

Dubai - 9/2018

Dubai - 9/2018

2019 -

Oahu, HI - 7/2019

Oahu, HI - 7/2019

IVF- 2019

IVF- 2019

Let’s see what 2020 has in store of us…

Start off the year right by purchasing a burp cloth from SmilingPea!



The Perfect Gift

The Perfect Gift