

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.

Knock me up, doc!

Knock me up, doc!

After waiting over year for this, I finally had my FET (frozen embryo transfer.) It was a long and rocky start, but it will be worth it in the end.

I didn’t write my blog the day I had my egg transfer because all I wanted to do was rest. It started off to be a tad stressful because we ran into some traffic, but we actually made it on time. I even forgot to drink water from my water bottle on the way there because my mind was consume with all the traffic. They needed my bladder to be full during the procedure so thank goodness my doctor was running late.

To keep my mind off needing to pee really bad, my husband was making me laugh. I ended up peeing before the transfer, but drank as much as I could before the doctor came in.

When it was time, my doctor made it really easy for us. He took away the awkwardness out of everything since I was fully awake with my legs spread open and I even had an ultrasound tech that was a guy. It was weird at first but when I watched my little embryo go inside my uterus, I forgot how awkward my position was.

The embryologist was there and asked if we wanted to see our embryo through a microscope. She said, it would be the one that looks like a snowman. My husband told her it looked like a piece of lint. I’m hoping he was looking at the right thing.

My next appointment would be my hcg blood test on January 23rd. That day will determine if this really worked for us. The 2 week wait will be torture. I took the day off today because I just wanted to rest the day after since it takes 48 hours for my embryo to attached to my uterus.

I cut down a couple things, but I still have a few things to work on. I have given up caffeinated drinks. So no more coffee or energy drinks for me. I also heard decaffeinated coffee still had a bit of caffeine in them. I heard it was ok to have a small cup a day, but with my history I just decided to quit cold turkey. My only drink of choice is water. I’ve cut our cold water because I heard it’s best to drink room temperature water.

I still need to work on processed foods. I’m slowly making my own food with healthy ingredients, but there are times I’m strap for time and just eat whatever is convenient.

Yesterday after my transfer, my husband took me to the Cheesecake Factory. It’s one of my favorite places because they have so much variety. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth so I go there for the food and not for the Cheesecake. Well after lunch, my husband asked if I wanted to go to Barnes and Nobles to look at baby books. I was so excited. As we were on the way there, my husband and I suddenly felt a food coma coming along. We decided to detour back to our home to take a nap. My husband isn’t the type to show his emotions. So when he asked if I wanted to look at baby books, I knew how excited he was.

I want to rewind to the days before the transfer. I never felt so much love in one day since my wedding day. My husband gives me my shots every night. He was afraid at first, but I know he already knew what to do.

Hubby Love Butt.jpg

My cousin, who is a sister to me (this gal right here) ….


…… surprised me with a video of important people in my life. They wished us well, told us they were praying for us, and said they believe this will work out. No one has ever surprised me like this before and I was in happy tears. I was at work when I got her email of the video. I was curious to see what it was so I went into one of our conference rooms at work to watch it. I could not stop crying. I had watched it about a handful of times before my egg transfer, which made the procedure much easier. My parents were in the video too. I think my brother woke up my dad to do the video. Lol. The day could have not been better. I was on cloud 9. Thank you everyone who wished us well. This video melted my heart.

I know the pregnancy is not confirmed yet, but does anyone know what will be the first items on my baby registry? You guys guessed it!

Two Week Wait

Two Week Wait

