

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.

Two Week Wait

Two Week Wait

Please lady, tell me my future. Only if it were that easy.

Two week wait, TWW for short felt like it lasted more than 2 weeks. I’m finally at the end of it. Tomorrow I get to go in a take a blood test. My HCG will tell me if this IVF round was successful or not. Praying for success.

I’ve been driving myself crazy, but I wasn’t trying to stress at the same time. I asked my followers on my “Peanut” app how to stay occupied for 2 weeks. I got suggestions like getting a massage or watch a movie at the theater. Those wouldn’t work for me. For one, I’m very ticklish so the massage thing wouldn’t work. I did it once. I was in Thailand for my honeymoon and my husband wanted to get Thai massages in Thailand. After a lot of convincing, I decided to do it. My husband set up his go-pro and our couples Thai massages was filmed the entire time. Instead of the video showing how relaxed we were, I looked like a damn exorcist jumping up every second when the lady touched me and it showed my husband laughing uncontrollably. The two Thai ladies were laughing and talking shit. With the movie theater thing, that wouldn’t work either. We use to go to the movies a lot until we watched a 20/20 special. There was a documentary on what happens when the lights turn off at the theater. They put hidden cameras under the seats and it showed rats and other creatures come out and started eating the food on the ground. So my husband was traumatized and he refuses to go to the movies. I also got suggestions to go on a relaxing road trip or mini vacay. Those wouldn’t work for me either. This IVF wiped us out!

So what did I do during my two weeks. Let’s see, the day of my transfer and the day after I took a little break from work. I stayed home and just chilled with peanut all day. Well that’s not true. Staying home got a little boring because my husband was at work so I did 6 loads of laundry. I did whites, colors, towels, and all of our blankets, pillow cases, and bed sheets. I went back to work Thursday and Friday. On Saturday, I woke up early to visit my family. We ate brunch at their house and my brother and his fiancé, Cindy were there too! What a surprise! Then on Sunday, I met up with my long time friend since elementary school, Willie! We both are in the Amazon business and since he became very successful at it, he offered to coach me and my husband at no charge. We definitely learned a whole lot and since meeting up with him, our sales got much better! He said, so I think the last time I saw you was when we graduated high school. How long ago was that? I was going to say, 10 or 11 years, but when we did the math it was actually 19 years! 19 years since I graduated high school! Holy shit! Then Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I went back to work. I just realized that I do math all day at work and growing up I hated math. Random side note.

So tomorrow is almost here! Tomorrow confirms that either I will be a mom at 37 years old or this is when my heart shatters. You know, starting this blog I vowed to be honest and to be open about everything. I didn’t think about how the ending would be. If my heart shatters, how will I have the courage to say this fertility treatment failed… AGAIN! Then if this does work out, do I wait until my 13 weeks to be absolutely sure I won’t end up with another miscarriage. I’ll play it by ear.

For the most part, I’ve been thinking positive. I was calm as a cucumber until I seen a little spotting today. I called my doctor and all they said was to wait until my test. I was pissed. I wanted something more, but I think they have to be very careful on what to say. Wait.. let me take that back because every test that came back, after every appointment and ultrasound, and even after my egg transfer they told me I was above average so they have a great feeling about this and how excited they are for me. So to me, I already feel like this is going to finally work. I’ve got some answers from people who are going through or went through the same thing as me. I also got a lot of my questions answered off the internet. Maybe some of the information I read on the internet is complete bullshit, but that bullshit put my emotions at ease. Enough to conquer the two week wait. I’ve been on the computer a lot! Here are a couple things I’ve googled.

  1. After an day 5 blastocyst FET, when do you see implantation bleeding?

  2. What are the side effects or symptoms after an FET?

  3. If you put a grade AA blastocyst, what is the IVF success rate?

  4. Will the cheddar chalupa ever make it back to the Taco Bell menu?

Well it’s almost tomorrow. I’ll just use up my time preparing to have a good nights rest. Good night.. Sweet dreams.. Oh! Before you sleep! Close your eyes, think about all the people who are pregnant, go online, and buy these fancy burp cloths! A portion of our proceeds will go to St. Jude.



Knock me up, doc!

Knock me up, doc!