

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.

It’s All About Me

It’s All About Me

When I say, “it’s all about me,” I’m going to focus on me.

Clomid round 3 didn’t work for me so that means it’s the end of my clomid cycles and I have to move on to a different route. Because of my age, the doctor suggested that I should only do 3 rounds of clomid to prevent any side effects that can worsen while taking more than the recommended amount of clomid. Even though I did three rounds, I’ve technically only did one or two. My right Fallopian tube is so fucked, so depending on what side the egg released from my first round is the true number of clomid cycles I had. If the first egg released from the right side, then I really had only one true round of clomid because the egg alternates between ovaries. I only can get pregnant if the egg releases from my left ovary since the egg can slide through my Fallopian tube and into my uterus with no problem. I have a floppy right.

I decided I wasn’t going to move on to something different just yet. I’m going to try and get pregnant naturally while I decide that I’m ready to do IUI treatments. I’ve gained about 15 pounds on clomid that I’m going to focus on myself and lose the weight first. I feel how unfair this is that I gained all this weight for NOTHING!!

All I’ve gotten out of this was very serious pelvic pain, more cysts on my ovaries, and disappointment. I think I had wishful thinking because when I’ve told people I’m starting clomid, I’ve heard from so many of them that they know someone that have gotten pregnant on clomid, so I really thought this is it.

Even though IUI is way cheaper than IVF, it still comes out to be around 5k-7k. The procedure comes with 1 office visit, 1 ultrasound, and insemination, but in tiny small letters under that it says, “these fees do not include IUI medication - $2000-$6000.” There is always a fucken setback.

My husband and I live in San Francisco and rent is ridiculously high. While we’re paying our rent, we are also putting money aside to buy a house. I would not be able to live with myself if I’ve spent our savings on IUI and IVF treatments and nothing worked! So I’ve started a little hustle on the side which I’ll probably talk about on my next post.

For now all I can do is pray for healing, strength, and patience. Thank you everyone who have reached out to me. Every text, phone call, and DM means a lot.

“Patience is not about waiting, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”

When I lost 50 pounds in 2010, I remember that I added jumping rope as a part of my daily exercise activity and the pounds just came off. I will definitely add this exercise routine back to my daily grind.

Little things that matter the most

Little things that matter the most

Spring is here!

Spring is here!