

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.

Lost 4 Pounds

Lost 4 Pounds

In 6 days, I’ve lost 4 pounds. Sure, it’s only 4 pounds, but it’s a start! I think documenting what I’m eating is important. It’s a key to weight loss success. If you weigh yourself daily and see a slight hiccup, you can always go back to the previous day to see what needs to change.

I’ve made some changes in my life the last two weeks. My husband and I used to order our dinners through UberEATS every night. Looking in our bank account, we have spent $1039.43 on UberEATS in February. Mind you, February only has 28 days. I don’t want to calculate how much we spent in January, which has 3 more days in February. All of the dinners that we bought had minimal nutritional value. Now, we are planning our meals ahead of time and spending our Sunday’s at the grocery store to do our groceries for the week.

I’ve started going back to the gym. I made a whole new playlist on Spotify, which keeps me motivated. I love listening to music. If I know I have a playlist with songs I like, I’m more likely to stay on the cardio machine for the whole hour. Music I like to listen to is reggae and island music. It brings me back to a place I love, which is Hawaii and it reminds me that bathing suit season is coming up!

Another little change I’ve done is a fun one. My girls and I at work take a couple breaks throughout the day to walk the stairs. Walking 8 flight of stairs keeps my heart racing! It sounds easy, but believe me it’s not! Also, doing it with people who I have fun with is a bonus.

We have purchased a food journal on Amazon. It’s a fun way of keeping track of our meals, snacks, and how much water we have drank throughout the day. It also has a section where you can write what we can do better the next day. Also, you can keep track of how many inches you’re losing as well! Check it out!

I’ve also purchased a couple extras on Amazon to keep things more fun. I bought motivational stickers to stick on each page. To remind myself to BE BRAVE! To remind myself that I’m too BLESSED to be STRESSED! And most importantly to HAVE FAITH!

I know if I get down to my goal weight, my PCOS will be under control. My sugar levels will be normal. Hearing the doctor say that my sugar levels are on the higher side sounds alarming. Also, I firmly believe my infertility will change to me being fertile. I just have to keep this positive lifestyle going. I can not fail. I’m almost 40 and I would regret not doing this now. I feel like it’s now or never! I just have to THINK POSITIVE!


International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

Who's In It With Me?

Who's In It With Me?