

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.

Day Trip

Day Trip

I was afraid to log on to my analytics app to see how many viewers had visited my blog in the last week, since I’ve been MIA and I was happy to see that my page still gets frequent visits! Thank you readers!

Well let’s see what’s been going on with me.. Right now it’s the waiting game. I was suppose to start my period 6 days ago, but I still haven’t got it. Don’t get too excited. My cycle always seems to fuck with me. My period would come late and I would be so excited, but I always get a NOT PREGNANT on my pregnancy test. Plus, this infertility caused my husband and I to dread the baby dance, which is horrible. I think since we are in the process of starting IVF, we both agreed to just wait and get pregnant that way. It was never talked about, but I think we both felt how each other was feeling. So now, my cycle needs to come so I can make an appointment for my Saline Infused Sonohysterography. It also sucks to have an irregular cycle. My period would come late when I gain weight in a short amount of time or when I’m starting to workout like crazy again! I did start working out and I am happy that I still can run a good amount of miles, but that’s a different story.

I’ve been feeling down in the dumps lately so my husband took me on a day trip to one of my favorite cities! Los Angeles! Since we decided to go during Easter weekend, we had only planned a day trip so we can spend Easter with my family. We had left San Francisco at 4am and we arrived a little before 10am. We actually made the most of our trip! We went to Porto’s to grab some breakfast. Then we headed over to the observatory. We have never been there and it was still amazing even though it was a bit overcast. Then after we headed to Venice Beach. The weather got better so we walked around for a bit. My dog-daughter Peanut loves the sand, so she was extra happy! We got a tad hungry so we went to a place called Tito’s Tacos! Taco heaven! And dessert at Milk! We didn’t know what else to do, so we went to an outdoor shopping mall and did a little window shopping. We headed back to the Bay Area around 9pm.

So for now, I will update you on my nonexistent period. Fuck! Just come already! The months that I didn’t want my period to come is the times it comes on time.

So everyday I’ve been wearing these bad boys just in case it shows up when I’m out and about.

Here are some pictures we took during our day trip.

Palmtrees and Peanut.jpg
Pawpa and Peanut.jpg
Palmtrees and Stroller.jpg
Venice Beach.jpg
Titos Tacos.jpg
Milk Bar.jpg

”I will not let my stress level with infertility break me. I will simply breathe and believe it will be okay because I wont give up.”

Body Acceptance

Body Acceptance