

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.

Grocery Shopping

Grocery Shopping

I’m new to the “PreDiabetes” club so I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m taking Metformin to bring my blood sugar down, but I have to be on my diet hardcore for about 5 weeks, otherwise I have to postpone my transfer. Ugh! I knew my love for food will bite me in the ass one day.

Thank you everyone who gave me advice via text, DM, and comments. You guys are the best. I got a lot of working out advice too, in which I would love to workout, but my doctor put a temporary halt. For now, meds and diet is my only way out of this. I appreciate it though because I can use your advice once I get clearance.

I bought some groceries today and gave away all my carb and sugar groceries that I already had at home to my parents. I bought some veggies and protein. I downloaded a list on Pinterest that gave me a diabetes grocery list and bought all the things that I would eat. I just got to figure out what to do with the food I just bought. Please comment below if you see anything I bought that I should not be eating. Again, I’m new at this and I need help! Help!

Another thing that happened today. I had my emergency appointment and it actually brought good news to my life! My Estradiol levels are extremely high because my follicles are growing better than average pace. Plus, it’s also high because I have a lot of follicles! They think they can retrieve about 20 eggs, but they won’t know until my surgery next week. Oh man! If they retrieve that many eggs, my biopsy lab bill is going to be huge! My Estradiol is at about 852. About 300 more than yesterday.

Hmm.. what else can I talk about? Oh! I weighed in at 155.6 today. I’m hoping to lose about 15 pounds in 5 weeks. Let’s hope for the best!

One more thing.. Have you seen these on Amazon? These are the cutest burp cloths I have ever seen in my life! 🤗

Transvaginal Oocyte Retrieval

Transvaginal Oocyte Retrieval

Game Plan

Game Plan