

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.

Game Plan

Game Plan

I have an emergency ultrasound appointment tomorrow (8/15). I had an appointment today to do some blood work and my Estradiol level was 542 pg/ml. During this stage, the normal range is from 33 - 400. I talked to my nurse about the cause of this and she said there might just be a ton of follicles, but then again there might be just one HUGE one. My doctor decided to lower my Follistim dosage to 175 instead of 250. hoping that would help.

Then I received another phone call from my nurse with some bad news, well sort of. Since my doctor knows this is mine and Chris’ LAST chance before throwing in the towel, they want to make sure everything is done right. So they told me to lose weight. It didn’t fucking help that I had McDonald’s this morning and posted it on my IG story like a happy fat ass! Ugh! Also, as I was talking to her, I was in the car with my husband with 2 Little Lucca sandwiches on my lap. I wanted to cry when I was talking to the nurse. She said my blood sugar is so high that I may be prediabetic. They want my HbA1C to be lower than 6. Mine is 7. If I don’t get my blood sugar under control, then my IVF transfer has to be postponed.

I have been trying to lose weight for 3 years! From 2010 to 2016, I was in the best shape of my life. I found my love for running through my battle with obesity. I ran 4-5 minute miles. I was chasing my dream to be an Olympian, but mid 2016 I got pregnant with my twins. After losing my twins from an ectopic pregnancy, I yearned to try again and again and again. Nothing. I started different types of infertility treatments. Took medications that made me gain weight. This was an emotional roller coaster ride which lead me to emotional and stress eating. I gained 30 fucking pounds during this journey and I haven’t lost anything since. Now since losing weight is mandatory, I have to come up with a game plan and STICK TO IT!

  1. Intermittent Fasting

  2. No Carbs, No Sugar (Help!)

  3. Water and Herbal Tea Only

  4. Weight myself every morning

  5. Make a grocery list and stick to it.

My husband will hold me accountable at home. He vowed to eat all my carbs and candy that I just bought. My work BFF will hold me accountable at work. I told her all about it and she’s all about knowing I can bring my numbers down. She’s even going to eat healthy with me! No more eating free food at work! It’s all about support. If I have it, I can do it.

I have 5 weeks. My retrieval date is sometime next week. Then the biopsy for all my eggs will take 3-4 weeks. If my HbA1C is under 6, then I can do the transfer. If not, then my eggs are going to stay frozen until I get my shit together.

In other news, we got our first baby model for our Smiling Pea brand. Check her out on our IG @smilingpea. She is SUPER cute!

You can also buy our products on Amazon. Just click on the link below!

Grocery Shopping

Grocery Shopping

Half Way There!

Half Way There!