

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

First I would like say Thank You to everyone that DM’d me letting me know my website was not working. I sorted things out with Squarespace and they had to suspend my account because of unusual activity. After some investigation from both parties, there was actually zero unusual activity. My website had hit so much foot traffic that the analytics could not keep up! So THANK YOU to everyone who has been keeping up with my journey! For the past 7 days, I have hit 7,105 views and 2,042 new visitors! This is fucking amazing! Second, I am interested to know who reads my blogs, so let me know by leaving a comment below, dm’ing me, or letting me know through a comment on my IG post. I really appreciate you more than you know!

I have been reading my own blogs lately and reevaluating how my language on here may offend some people. When I started this I have always said I would be my most authentic. I would post non glamorous photos of myself, photos of my current weight, and words of my own true feelings and emotions. If my struggles can help at least one person, I do not regret over sharing my life with the world.

Let’s move on to the topic that everyone clicked on here to read. My current weight loss. It’s been going very well. I have finally found what works for me. I’ve tried so many things in the past and it just backfired and cause me to gain more weight. Let’s see. I did the military 3 day diet where it promises that you would lose 10 pounds in 3 days. It works, but majority of everyone who tried it just about gained their weight back and more. I did the no carb diet. That diet also works, but believe me your mood will push people away. I was often cranky. I would snap at my husband which ends up creating a huge fight so that diet wasn’t working for me. Also, I LOVE BREAD! I tried the vegetarian salad diet. Not sure if it works because I lasted one meal and I think I ate something afterwards because I was still hungry. I tried the Whole 30 diet. That diet works! I was forced to stay on it for the whole 30 days because it was right before my wedding and my dress was a bit snugged. I couldn’t do it again because I felt deprived.

So what really worked for me was the intermittent fasting diet. I first heard about this diet from my cousin in law and I thought there was no way in hell I could do this. (Shout out to Ariel if you’re reading this) I started this 2 weeks ago and I’m down 10 pounds. It was hard at first, but got easier once I saw the weight dropping.

This diet allowed me to eat whatever the fuck I wanted during my time to eat. I would have either one or two meals a day, depending what I would eat, then I wouldn’t have anything after 12pm. I work really early hours and sometimes I’m at work by 6am. I would consume my first meal at 7am, which would consists of a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese. Then for lunch at 11am, I would have a bowl of pasta or whatever I bring for lunch. I would drink a ton of water all day! Sure, I’m hungry AF, but I don’t over eat on this diet. I also noticed my stomach got smaller. I had a little bit of a cheat night last Saturday. I had dinner with my Goddaughter, cousin, my brother, and his girlfriend Cindy. We ate at a wing place in fairfield and after dinner my husband wanted me to stop by Arby’s. For 2 people we ordered 12 sandwiches. 🤦🏻‍♀️ My eyes were bigger than my stomach and I for sure got sick the next morning.

I made a little change to my daily routine. I started taking showers in the morning, instead of after work. I felt like it wakes me up for the day. Ever since I’ve started this routine, I have been forgetting to step on the scale to check my weight. Doh! Hope I can give you a story tomorrow.

For everyone who is thinking about dropping any extra pounds, find a diet or should I say lifestyle change that works for you. Sure I may not have the healthiest foods when I’m on this diet, but I think it will help me transition to more healthier options in the long run. Also, everyone is different. We all have something that works for us even though some people may think that is not healthy living. I say, who gives a fuck? If it works for you and you feel more healthy, energized, and alive! Stick to it!

Also, if you lose track for a day like I did, there is always tomorrow boo.

One last thing… These burp bibs are fire!! 🔥

Giving Back

Giving Back

Be Kind

Be Kind