

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.

Transvaginal Oocyte Retrieval

Transvaginal Oocyte Retrieval

Say what? Transvaginal Oocyte Retrieval. Each doctor, nurse, embryologist, and anesthesiologist asked me each time what am I here for? I think it’s apart of their security check because they asked me my name and DOB a couple times as well. But shit, give me something I can pronounce.

The appointment was off to a good start, we hit a lot of traffic on the way there, however my husband noticed that the carpool lane was 2 people or more, not 3 like the lanes in San Francisco. We made it with 4 minutes to spare.

When we arrived, the doctor that I’ve been seeing wasn’t my surgeon for today. I actually had another doctor who in fact was my friends doctor, which made things possible for them. I was really excited that he was the surgeon for the day.

After meeting my surgery team, I felt at ease. We met the anesthesiologist and usually my husband has a ton of questions, but the way he carried himself made both of us feel confident. He was smart and in control. There was even complications after the surgery, which I will get into later and my anesthesiologists drove back just to see if I was ok.

When they brought me to the surgery room, I knocked out within minutes. I remembered nothing. From what I was told when I woke up was that I was very sensitive to anesthesia and they had to reverse my propofol because I was unresponsive. I think my heart rate dropped during the procedure too.

In the recovery, my husband was already there when I woke up! I was so happy to see him. We were waiting for Dr. Dobson to come in to give me my results! I have 18 mature eggs! 18!! That is incredible! Next step is having the embryologist do the ICSI procedure to my eggs and my husband’s sperm. Instead of having the eggs fertilized on their own, they are going to inject the sperm into the eggs. Then off to lab to have them biopsy!

Right now, I’m feeling very bloated. I’m very uncomfortable. I feel very fat and nothing fits. I’m in so much pain. Since I had a bad experience with the anesthesia, they didn’t want to prescribe me any pain meds. I’m only allowed to take Tylenol.

Oh well, this feeling is only temporary!

Oh yea, I also wanted to take the time to thank everyone who texted me and sent me messages on IG and Facebook! Waking up to something positive made me smile! Also, my surgery team sent me home with this card, which was a nice touch.

Thank you Card.jpg

Hope this works! If it does, I’ll buy my own products below on Amazon so my baby can have the cutest burp bibs on the market!! Have the cutest bibs on the market and support Smiling Pea!

Losing Weight - Struggle

Losing Weight - Struggle

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