

Welcome to my blog. Please join me in my journey to overcome infertility.

Prayers For Baby

Prayers For Baby

Today was the worst day of my life.

Last night I was tossing and turning. I couldn’t sleep or I couldn’t get comfortable. I have to remind myself that I’m not supposed to be sleeping on my back. Something didn’t feel right, but I just brushed it off thinking I needed to just get some shut eye.

When I woke up, I couldn’t get out of bed. I wanted to lay down for a few more hours. I had the worst migraine. My back hurt so much and my stomach had the worst cramping. I just assumed it was my belly stretching because I was almost at 19 weeks. I was also so hot and sweaty. I felt my upper thighs drenched in sweat. I even thought to myself that I’ll just go to work later since I had no meetings to attend today. At least my job location is at my dining room table. Not much of a commute.

I had no energy. I was forced to get up because I had to pee so badly. When I went to the bathroom and pulled down my pajamas, my underwear was filled with bright red blood. It was soaked! It looked like a murder scene. It wasn’t spotting. It was more like your heaviest period day times 5. It wasn’t sweat on my upper thighs, it was blood! Fresh sticky blood. I even looked in the toilet and noticed my vagina passed some tissue. I had lost the baby.

I had contacted my obstetrician right away. She told me to go to the ER and to come see her. That’s what I did. I was debating on asking people to pray for baby Mac. I didn’t want this to be reality, but then I thought, that’s how I was able to get pregnant in the first place. I had a whole army of people praying for a successful IVF procedure. I wanted people to pray for baby Mac because if the worst thing that can possibly happen came true, I wanted baby to be in heaven with their 4 other angel siblings.

I waited in the car. It seemed like forever until they called me to come inside. When I did my intake over the phone, they told me to wait for another call which will be the doctor to tell me to come in. There was a car parked directly in front of me. There were two people in front, so I tried to hold back my tears.

After 10 minutes, I was called to come in. I met my doctor and she did an ultrasound. To my surprise, there was my baby and a strong heart beat! I didn’t lose my baby! I was watching my babies heart on the ultrasound machine and my baby was sucking their thumb! I was so happy! My baby even waved at me as I was watching.

Hi Mom! Don’t cry. I’m doing fine in here!

Hi Mom! Don’t cry. I’m doing fine in here!

My doctor searched around for other issues that may have caused the bleeding. There had to be a reason why I had bled so much. When she just switched from an abdominal ultrasound to a vaginal, she discovered the problem. I have what is called a placenta previa, which my low risk pregnancy was changed back to a high risk pregnancy. My placenta is covering my uterus and if my placenta does not detach, my bleeding can put me and my baby in danger, which can be life threatening. My doctor will continue to monitor, but she believes I may have to have a forced C-Section.

Placenta blocking my uterus

Placenta blocking my uterus

I have 21 weeks left. I really hope this would be the first and last scare. I’m not sure how I would be able to handle another loss.

Thank you everyone who took the time to pray for baby Mac. I do believe on how powerful prayer can be. Our little baby is a fighter and our little warrior.

The Last Six Months

The Last Six Months

15 Weeks

15 Weeks